Lori Laske Alamosa County Commissioner

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Lori Laske Alamosa County Commissioner

Corruption, Cowardice, Dishonesty and Hypocrisy

Welcome to Lori Laske's page of Public Accomplishments ( Misdeeds )

Lori Laske claims on her facebook page set up to get her elected as County Commissioner that she is composed of Leadership, Dedication and Integrity.

In reality, Lori Laske has demonstrate the total oppostie.

"Protection of Dishonest and Unethical County Employees"

Lori Laske's incompetence truly knows no bounds. She claims her 28 years of experience as a Director at Adam's State gave her the experience to serve the community as a County Commissioner.

The Factual Truth of Lori Laske's Failed Tenure
Alamosa was ranked the 4th most dangerous city in Colorado in 2023.
Almosa is was in Fiscal Deficit as of September 2023
Budgetary over runs, by over zealous employees acting outside of the scope of their employment and lack of accountability / oversight by the Board of County Commissioners.
Numerous and large fee increases on building permits, in order to further fund this shake down.

The first step on the path to prosperity and a strong community begins with removing the dirty politicians like the trash they are.